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There is no better way to brush up on your French than by browsing realistic baby dolls and other fine crafts at legrenieramimie.fr. Even if you don’t know a lick, don’t worry! This website will send you on an equally perplexing journey, whether or not you turn on Google Translate. Enjoy what Le Grenier has to offer, and turn up your sound for a special treat. Who knows? Maybe you’ll end up ordering your own little bundle of joy.


Frozendeadguy.com: the tale and subsequent festivities surrounding a cryogenically frozen man in Nederland, Colorado. This is the raw chronicle of Frozen Dead Guy’s caretaker: “The Iceman.” A local hero, he is the only man brave enough to venture into Grandpa Bredo’s resting place (a padlocked shed in the backyard) to replenish Bredo’s dry ice supply AND live to make a website about it. With pages that border on concrete poetry, there is a surprising artistry to The Iceman’s yarn.


Evergen has the exclusive right to distribute Cooperative Resources International’s bovine semen in China. CRI currently holds the record for most “units” of semen produced from a single bull.* Being the middle man for such an illustrious semen producer is a great responsibility, deserving of an even greater website.

*R.I.P. Toystory, survived by his estimated 500,000 children.


More than just a website, wtv-zone is a treasure trove of mini sites created by a diverse community of users. Visit member’s “Zone Homes” to access vintage gif galleries, midi discographies, flash games, and digital memoirs preserved perfectly as they were in the early 2000s. To a true digital archeologist, wtv-zone is paradise—a museum, playground, and graveyard of the early web wrapped in a sparkly, animated bow.


The truth is out there, and it can be found at burlingtonnews.net. Introducing Mary Sutherland: author, alternative archaeologist, and astrophysicist, specializing in cryptid anthropology, codes, theology, consciousness studies, and the physics of the multi-dimensional worlds. From real alien documentation, to haunted houses of Wisconsin, this site will make a believer out of you. Burlington News is a real challenge to navigate, but that's the price one must pay to uncover the secrets of this world and the next.


Your favorite miniature heroes, now all in one place, all in one pose. You may want to know "why?", but leave your questions at the door. You will not find any answers diving deep into jerome.galica.free.fr, only more and more carefully rendered MS paint micro heroes. Let the existential calm of repetition and uniformity wash over you and remember: We are all one.


Enjoy your short time on Earth before burning in eternal hellfire by exploring the web haven that is Constellation 7. Be sure to have your volume on for this terrifying multimedia masterpiece. Forget "science" and "reason" as you learn the truth about God and this planet's creation—which [spoiler alert] happened more recently than you may think!


Shadow Software truly has something for everyone. Want a refresher on the fundamental teachings of Buddhism? Learn how to hook up an iPod to a TV? Listen to basement jam sessions? Shadow Software holds many mysteries for those brave enough to navigate this labyrinth-like portrait of the programmer only known as "Strider."


The Walders value simplicity. No need for lengthy descriptions (or really any information at all)! What number between one and seven will you select first? No matter what your choice, Walders is sure to deliver with an unexpected and cryptic return.


Crops for Girls is a New York salon specializing in short haircuts for women. The site features an extensive gallery of slightly haunting before and after images, presenting these women and their momentary hair conquests within a vast black field.


Everyone knows the Persian breed is a sick example of man playing god, but Castlegate Persians will make you confront it in a whole new way as you peruse questionably edited photos of these creatures' permanently pained faces.